Monday, 12 January 2015

Education programme has tented camp for learners visiting centre!

Thanks to the generosity of the Trustees of the Ester Steward Trust, CHEETA will be opening a tented camp to bring learners from rural and inner city communities to experience the beauty of the centre. We are thrilled to have this opportunity, and are watching with great excitement as the tented camp takes shape.

The education team can't wait to have learners visiting the Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre on holiday programmes and educational visits stay over in the beautiful tents. 

Imagine waking up in a tent at the foothills of the Magaliesburg mountain, spending a day learning about cheetahs, wild dogs, vultures and so much more about conservation as well as being spoilt to delicious food and amazing scenery.

Watch this space for more details, or contact Rita .

+ 27 12 504 9906/7/8