Monday, 20 May 2013

Yebo Gogga 2013

Yebo Gogga 2013 (Educational Expo) - Wits University

The theme....underground

This year's theme was underground, and there were so many amazing exhibits! If your children or learners love bugs, the outdoors, dinasours, trees or anything cool, you have to get them to Yebo Gogga next year!
It's quite difficult for cheetahs to fit into this theme, and our stand was put up as a combined effort with other environmental education organisations. Co-Action is the name of the group, and at this stage represents The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre, Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots, Vulpro and Eco-Pilots. We decided our theme would be "Don't go underground, take action". At our stand, we showed horrific images to the learners and adults about pollution, deforestation etc, and challenged them to take one small action to improve our environment. This was written down as a pledge on a leaf, and hung on a net. The idea was to show the combined efforts would make a huge difference, even if each pledge individually was a small way to help. 
Learners at our exhibit
Our Pledge wall nice and full of pledges
Hanging our own pledges :-)
Scary images made learners think hard about how they could help our environment

Huge turn out

It was a great success, and there was an estimated 5000 visitors during the course of the Expo, which ran from 8th May - 12th May. Byron, our ambassador cheetah made an appearance on Saturday and Sunday after a presentation about the centre and the work we do. As always, he was a true star, and touched many hearts.

Contact details of other exhibitors:

Adventures with Nature (books)                   011 954 4675
All-Out Creations                                             082 569 0706
Delta Park Environmental                             011 888 4831
Earthworm Buddies                                        072 533 0304
FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre        011 807 6993
Gauteng Conservancy & Stewardship Ass    016 590 2914
Grow-a-tree                                                      071 421 2522
Jane Goodal Institute                                      079 777 1514
Johannesburg Zoo                                          011 646 2000 
Kloofendal, Friends of                                   011 674 2980
Lepidopterist Society                                      082 327 2090
Medical Entomology                                       011 386 6486
National Zoological Gardens (Pretoria)      012 328 3265
Rand Water – Education                                083 381 9671
Rhino SA                                                           078 643 6430
SANParks Honourary Rangers                     083 793 3019
Sci-Bono Discovery Centre                           011 639 8400
Beekeepers Association        084 514 0948
Spider Club of South Africa                          082 5656 025

Kind regards,

Rita Groenewald
012 504 9906/7/8

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